Teresa Burns Gunther

Teresa Burns Gunther is an award-winning author whose fiction and nonfiction have been published widely in US and international literary journals and anthologies, including New Millennium Writings, Mid-American Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Everyday Fiction, The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review, Pure Slush, Best New Writing, and many others.

Her stories have been recognized in numerous contests, including those at Glimmer Train and Narrative ; her story “War Paint” was awarded the 52nd New Millennium Award for Fiction, 2022. An earlier version of this collection was a Finalist for the Orison Book Prize and the Hudson Prize.

Teresa is the founder of Lakeshore Writers Workshop where she leads workshops and classes and offers coaching and develop-mental editing services.

To learn more about Teresa Burns Gunther, click here.

Truth Serum Press published her story collection Hold Off the Night in May 2023.

Teresa has also contributed to the A Year in Stories, Barcode, Obit., Growing Up, Love and Older.